Guia local em Sydney - AustraliaFabián
Eu falo Inglês, Espanhol
Looking for meaningful chats, wellness tips, or astrology insights? Let's connec
I’m Fabi, a Chilean advertiser living in Australia, eager to grow both personally and professionally. I’m passionate about creativity, wellness, and astrology, balancing work with personal interest. A pescatarian focused on fitness and skincare, I explore ways to expand my career, including startup ideas. Adaptable and curious, I navigate Sydney’s culture with a drive for meaningful experiences, always seeking new opportunities in business and content creation that align with my unique journey and passions.
- By night
O que inclui e não inclui
- Roteiro personalizado
- Dicas do destino
- Contato antecipado com o guia local
- Suporte 24 horas
- Transporte
- Alimentação
- Ingressos
Não sou guia oficial e não poderei te guiar dentro de museus ou qualquer outro local que exija um guia oficial por lei.