Guia local em Belém - BrazilFabricio
Eu falo Português, Inglês, Espanhol
Everyone come to the heart of Brazil on an adventure that will mark your youth.
My name is Fabrício and I am native from Belém - PA, Brazil. The country has football, carnival and many rhythms including Samba, Carimbó, Reggie, etc... A journey through the heart of Brazil which is the typical soul of the Brazilian and South American people, people who have a devotion in their religious as in the Círio de Nazaré, which is an intangible cultural heritage of humanity cataloged by UNESCO and also in the Amazon, a paradise that all human beings should see because perhaps other next generations will not have the same luck as ours. Well, we are facing serious environmental crises on the planet. My city is in a maze of events preparing for the United Nations World Climate Conference (COP-30) which is scheduled to take place here in the first weeks of November 2025.
- Esportes ao ar livre
- Arte e Cultura
- Locais turísticos
- Compras
- Praia
O que inclui e não inclui
- Roteiro personalizado
- Dicas do destino
- Contato antecipado com o guia local
- Suporte 24 horas
- Transporte
- Alimentação
- Ingressos