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Guia local em Bangkok - Tailândia

Eu falo Inglês

Travel with Traveler... Let's enjoy exploring the city together.

I was born in Bangkok, Thailand. I enjoy exploring some new areas, culture, arts, crafts & design. I love taking photos, visiting art exhibitions & galleries, cafes, and unique alleys, shopping (both shopping malls and markets), reading, and writing. I'm always looking for new chic places, activities, cafes, and dining places. I am passionate about travel, architecture, culture, and tradition. I love to talk and make friends with people from other countries... along my walk. I am a solo traveler for many years specializing in Korea and Singapore. Moreover, I'm also a travel writer & editor, translator, and Travel Consultant too. I've written guidebooks for Thais about Korea, Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, Incheon, Singapore, Hong Kong, and Macau, and also some booklets for Foreign National Tourism Organizations. From my career & experiences, I can combine my job with other passions of mine: photography & being a local guide. I have a lot of foreign friends, Asian/ European/ American, who came to visit Bangkok quite often. I always showed them around my beautiful & friendly city. So, once you are in Thailand, you are also my friends. … I can take you around my city as well, no matter whether it will be museums, markets, historical & cultural areas, foodies places, shopping areas, whatever & wherever you prefer! I can personalize your itineraries. I always love to help the tourists who got lost along my walks, both in Bangkok & abroad. Bangkok is my hometown, so I want to make you love it as I do. ^_^ Ps. Elders & Seniors are welcome. Remark: Morning & Afternoon Sessions only: 09:30 am. to 16:00 pm. [Mon. to Sat.] + Please contact me 2 days or more in advance.


  • Arte e Cultura
  • Locais turísticos
  • Compras
  • Gastronomia

O que inclui e não inclui

  • Roteiro personalizado
  • Dicas do destino
  • Contato antecipado com o guia local
  • Suporte 24 horas
  • Transporte
  • Alimentação
  • Ingressos


Não sou guia oficial e não poderei te guiar dentro de museus ou qualquer outro local que exija um guia oficial por lei.

Razões para contratar um iFriend

  • Roteiro personalizado

    O roteiro é customizado de acordo com seus interesses.

  • Serviço privativo

    O passeio é exclusivo para você e quem estiver com você.

  • Tour em seu idioma

    Serviços realizados em seu próprio idioma.

A partir de
R$ 158/hora

Dúvidas frequentes