Guia local em Toronto - CanadaVanessa
Eu falo Inglês
The city is filled with lots of exciting things to see and do. Let's go see
Hello! I am Vanessa. Stay at home boy mom to a 3 year old. I have a background in Medical Aesthetics and plan to be back at work one day, but until then i want to offer my free time to somone who needs a friend. I enjoy talking and meeting new people from all walks of life and sharing my stories too. If you're mom looking for friends I got you! If you're lonly and just want to talk, I got you! If you need support, I got you! We've all been in situations where we need somone and don't have that. I can't wait to meet you 💓
- By night
O que inclui e não inclui
- Roteiro personalizado
- Dicas do destino
- Contato antecipado com o guia local
- Suporte 24 horas
- Transporte
- Alimentação
- Ingressos
Não sou guia oficial e não poderei te guiar dentro de museus ou qualquer outro local que exija um guia oficial por lei.